Tuesday, May 10, 2011

stay | day 2/365

stay | day 2/365 by Zee Anna!
stay | day 2/365, a photo by Zee Anna! on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
"I've been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall
And I've been laying here praying, praying she won't call
It's just another call from home
And you'll get it and be gone
And I'll be crying

And I'll be begging you, baby
Beg you not to leave
But I'll be left here waiting
With my Heart on my sleeve
Oh, for the next time we'll be here
Seems like a million years
And I think I'm dying

What do I have to do to make you see
She can't love you like me?"

stay by sugarland

I. absolutely. hate. this. song.

and dont get me wrong, I love love love sugarland. I just hate the idea about this song. I have this thing about cheating. I hate it, I dont condone it, and I have very little respect for people who do it. But I'm not here to tell someone how to live their life - I just need to live mine.

I put in my resume for a position that I have been eyeing since before April and it's finally in the works to be posted. My friend pulled a few strings and got me to get my things in early. I'm so thankful for the friends I have in my life and I really really really really am excited AND nervous about this job. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want it.

I hope I get it. Dont worry - I wont stop being a photographer just because I have a day job. :)

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 2 - your least favorite song

Project 365 Year 2: day 2
May 10, 2011

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